
If we’re friends or even just Facebook friends, you have already heard the news. Although today was Littlest Man’s due date, he arrived early (even for his planned C-section date of the 17th) on February 12th at 6:55 a.m. weighing 7 lbs 10 oz, 18.75 inches. TINY in our household compared to his brothers (8.1lbs […]

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Update on “Girl, where you been?”

I told you, I’m not just sitting around. Honestly, if you know my boys, you KNOW I’m not just sitting around, but I’m actually doing more than not just sitting around. At some point I’ll give you a full post on this with all the steps, but for now, one picture will have to suffice. […]

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DIY plank wall

diy plank wall

During my time away from the blog, I haven’t been sitting on the couch eating bon bons. Really. I’ve been in full nesting mode and I’ve decided that this is my favorite nursery so far. Simple, clean and created with a lot of love. If you have a similar home decor style, you’ve seen the […]

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Girl, where you been?

And now for a segment we shall call “Girl, where you been?” where I return, if only briefly, from being M.I.A. to tell you just where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to. In short, I’ve been creating life while trying to keep up with my now 5 year old, about to be 4 […]

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We can see the light at the end of the tunnel

Man, this has been one. rough. week.   No. Not, rough like third-world living rough. Rough like, trying to demand respect (with my pregnant belly, holding a 14 month old with 2 preschoolers running through the house) from a male contractor who is treating me like a stupid homemaker. Rough like 3 kids out of […]

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We’re still here

With my nesting in full gear, we’ve been making steady progress on replacing the baseboards and door frames while moving stuff out of the craft room to make room for the baby furniture. We’ve decided to keep the big boys in a shared room, Keaton in his own room and the baby will take over […]

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It’s a

4th baby

It’s a ….   We had THE appointment yesterday. The one where they can tell us if we are adding another gentlemen or a pretty little lady to our herd. We knew it was a girl. This pregnancy has been so difference from the last – well, four. I was nauseous for one, but other […]

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I’m back. Sort of.

Well hello there. Yes, I’ve been absent for a long time. Again. I don’t know what to tell you really. I’m half way through my pregnancy and have 3 boys 4 and under. I’m exhausted.   I know, I know. Go to bed early! Thing is, I do. I’m in bed right after I put […]

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1 year doctor appointment

Keaton did great at his one year appointment. Four shots, but he only cried for a moment.   He is now practically running across rooms and can follow commands now (if he wants to). I can tell him to pick up a toy and put it away and he will pick it up, walk it […]

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2 years home

Today we celebrated. It has been 2 years since we got off the plane with Coen from Ghana. It seems surreal. Has it been 2 years already? The wait seemed so long. Then I realize, has it ONLY been 2 years? One of the most important people in my life and he has only been […]

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