I’m back. Sort of.

Well hello there. Yes, I’ve been absent for a long time. Again. I don’t know what to tell you really. I’m half way through my pregnancy and have 3 boys 4 and under. I’m exhausted.


I know, I know. Go to bed early! Thing is, I do. I’m in bed right after I put the boys down, but according to my midwife, I have “pregnancy insomnia”. I don’t lie awake trying to go to sleep (which is what I picture insomnia to be), I just wake up numerous times throughout the night for no apparent reason. I go back to sleep pretty quickly only to wake up again. So, my 8-9 hours in bed doesn’t equate to 8-9 hours of sleep. I can still drink a latte durning the day and go right back to sleep (if the stars align and all the boys are asleep at the same time). Since they usually don’t nap at the same time, I’ve been working on projects around the house. For instance, we are turning all of the old door trim in our house from 1974 to this:


window trim


Yep, that is a poor little bathroom that we are still working on finishing. We’re skim-coating the walls, but are easily distracted by other projects since skim-coating is so messy and tedious. But doesn’t the window trim look good? We have a total of 11 doors, 3 door ways and 2 bookshelves that are getting the new look and, while time-consuming, it is making a huge impact!  It is also keeping my mind occupied until I know if this baby is a boy or girl so that I can tackle the nursery.


Hopefully I’ll be back soon. Just stopping in to say hi.



  1. Sounds like you are keeping very busy. I am anxious also to hear more about the baby. Girl or Boy.

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