Help build an orphanage

The majority of our friends and family are not in a situation to be able to adopt a child. For those that are, it isn’t a simple decision to make. It is a life changing decision and it’s not for everyone. That said, so many of our friends have asked how they can help make a difference in the lives of orphans. This is very simple!

Chris and I recently started working with Ujimacare. It’s an organization here in the U.S. with a base in Ghana. It was founded by two brothers from Ghana. One now lives here in the U.S. while the other lives In Ghana and spends all of his time working and caring for orphans. Together, through Ujimacare, they are building an orphanage and school. It will be the first in the region.

So far, they have funded every bit of this orphanage themselves. You can see the progress here. They need $20,000 for phase one which will be a 10 room building. This will help so many children who otherwise would not have shelter, food, or an education.

Here is where you come in! I purchased a 1,000 piece puzzle. For every $10 donation that you make to Ujimacare, your name (or whatever you would like written) will be written on the back of a puzzle piece. Once completed, the $10,000 will help build the orphanage and the puzzle will be framed and given as a gift to organization so that children of the orphanage will be reminded of those who cared enough about them to help give them a home.

I’ll keep you up-to-date on the progress of the puzzle here so, check back often to see how we are doing.

To donate now, click just click on the donate button on the right-side of this page. On the paypal page include in the “note to seller” what you would like written on your puzzle pieces! Please keep in mind how many pieces you have purchased to be sure that what you want written will fit. 100% of your donation will go to the orphanage.

If you would like to mail a check, please make it out to Ujimacare Foundation and mail it to:
7660 Silver Fox Dr
Columbus, OH 43235
Make sure to include the name that you would like written on the puzzle pieces!

Ujimacare is a registered 501c organization so, your donations are all tax deductible!!!!



  1. Wishing you all the best with your adoption and help you are giving this wonderful non-profit. Would love to see the puzzle as it makes its journey to completion. Maybe you can show the puzzle being pieced together as the donations come in here on the blog. Just a thought. Thanks again for the opportunity to help. Nancy and Lou in CA

  2. Thanks for your comment Nancy and thank you so much for your donation! We will definitely be showing the puzzle progress on the blog. I can't wait to see it all come together!

  3. May God reward your efforts for helping those poor souls whom don't even have food or shelter let alone a mother and/or father. Sending prayers your way for your process and fundraiser!!

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