
Oh how I love how Keaton loves his brothers. He just cannot get enough of them. Just a quick eye contact is enough to have him bursting with excitement. When they sit for a minute and actually give him attention… well, there is just nothing better in his world. Here are a couple of my favorite caught on iPhone moments:


Walter, the Farting Dog. Yes, this is a real book that came with a farting toy dog. Thanks, Auntie Lindsey. Keaton is all boy, just like his brothers he thinks farting is hilarious. Lord, help me.

Really, he doesn’t even need the farting dog. He just gets a kick out of being one of the guys.


I just can’t get enough of that giggle!



  1. Tim Buxton (aka) Dad says:

    Keaton always knows where mommie is are the camera at least
    he has the cuteis giggle

  2. Won’t be much longer and he’ll be following them around the house. Love his laughter and the boys are so good with him. Love them all.

  3. Those are the cutest vidio’s, I can’t get enough of them. Love you all.

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