Dossier submitted!

We’ve had our dossier done and ready to go to Ghana for a while now, but our contact in Ghana was going to be out of town for 3 weeks and I was a bit worried to send it and have it arrive while he was out so, I just sent it off today. I also wanted to include a small family photo book that will be given to our child once we are matched so that the can start to get to know us before we actually get to meet!

I guess technically we’ve been on the wait list for a month or so, but I’m counting today as the official day that we start WAITING to be matched since they will now have everything that they need from us to start an adoption!



  1. Congrats! How very exciting!

  2. GREAT NEWS – Im just so excited for you guys!!!!! Keep it up! and keep us posted

  3. I'm ready to an auntie again!

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