If you were malaria meds…

I’m losing my mind. When I went to Ghana last, I went ahead and got malaria meds for both Chris and I. Chris didn’t end up going the following month so, I carefully placed his malaria meds where they would be sure NOT to be forgotten when we did head to Ghana and out-of-sight for Carter so as not to tempt him.

So, if you were malaria prevention medication, where would you be?
I’ve looked in the medicine cupboard
I’ve looked in my other daily supplements cupboard
I’ve looking in the bags of donations that I had already packed
I’ve looked in all the drawers in our bedroom
I’ve looked under the bathroom sink
Seriously! Where are they?

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  1. St. Anthony come around, something's lost and must be found. St. Anthony help Heather find the malaria meds. <3

  2. Maybe already in your suitcase?

  3. That would make sense, but no. Not in the suitcase. Other guesses?

  4. How about the refrig, pantry, makeup pouch, or somewhere in the office? One thing for sure, they'll be in the last place you look.

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